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Repairing the handle on my Rough Rider D-Gurad Bowie (RR 1942)
Confederate D Guard Bowie
Rough Rider Bowie Knives - Only $7.99 each !! No April Fools Joke !! Enjoy
Rough Rider RR2240 Large Blue Resin Bowie @ SMKW . Love it !
(698) The SZCO D Guard Bowie Knife
Rough Rider Coffin Handle Knife .. and Winner of Free Knife Giveaway IS …..
Rough Rider RR1718 review and failure
Knife of the Week: 19" D- Guard Bowie "Yankee Slayer"
D-Guard Bowie in Damascus and fossil walrus ivory.
Rough Ryder RR2007 Bowie - (Sectional Wood Handle - Brass "S" Guard & Trim)
Colt dgaurd Bowie
Frame Handle "Koma" Fighter